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Active4 years, 1 month ago

I have an ancient serial spectrometer which only runs on win9x. I want to convert to a Linux system, but the existing software is proprietary and wont work. I was able to access a console internally on the spectrometer. The console takes keyboard character commands, and sends the output to the serial port.

S/W: Preventing Linux from using the serial port. By default Linux will grab the serial port and use it as a terminal. If you want to use it for other purposes you must prevent this. Here are the methods you can use: Method 1, raspi-config (easiest, try this first) Run sudo raspi-config and check if it has the option advanced options- serial. How to write characters to serial port. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 7 months ago. Active 4 years ago. Viewed 26k times 2. I have an ancient serial spectrometer which only runs on win9x. I want to convert to a Linux system, but the existing software is proprietary and wont work. I was able to access a console internally on the spectrometer.

in vb6 I can write to the com port with char values ComPort.Write(Chr(34))

I am interested in using Qt for the interface, how can I send something to the same effect as ComPort.Write(Chr(34))using qt? j0hj0h7,1461616 gold badges6363 silver badges136136 bronze badges 1 Answer 


Here an example from Qt official site (C++)


If Visual Basic is your background you may prefer Gambas3

Gambas have similar syntax of Visual Basic(VB), and support Qt as GUI tool kit.



In Linux/BSD, Serial port is more accessible then windows. So you can even write to it from shell/terminal, or use system call from most programming languages.

Example in shell with an Android phone as modem, it may help for debugging:


Reading serial port (need to be root):

As you can read just few lines as needed:


Writing serial, Open other terminal tab or window:

It shows OK on reading port window, Also you can sent hexadecimal data (use -n option to avoid sending new line at the end)

same as:

Shell will show undisplayed hex as small square with its value written inside it. Try this.user.dzuser.dz36.3k1111 gold badges103103 silver badges187187 bronze badges Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged programmingqtserial-port or ask your own question. 

This is a list of notable terminal emulators. Most used terminal emulators on Linux and Unix-like systems are GNOME Terminal on GNOME and GTK-based environments, Konsole on KDE, and xfce4-terminal on Xfce as well as xterm.

*1Character-oriented terminal emulators



*2Block-oriented terminal emulatorsCharacter-oriented terminal emulators[edit]Unix-like[edit]Command-line interface[edit]

*Linux console – implements a large subset of the VT102 and ECMA-48/ISO 6429/ANSI X3.64 escape sequences.Use Screen For Serial Connection

The following terminal emulators run inside of other terminals, utilizing libraries such as Curses and Termcap:Linux Serial Terminal Client

*GNU Screen – Terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation

*Minicom – text-based modem control and terminal emulation program for Unix-like operating systems

*tmux – Terminal multiplexer with a feature set similar to GNU ScreenGraphical[edit]X/Wayland[edit]

Terminal emulators used in combination with X Window System and Wayland

*xterm – standard terminal for X11

*GNOME Terminal – default terminal for GNOME with native Wayland support

*guake – drop-down terminal for GNOME

*konsole – default terminal for KDE

*xfce4-terminal – default terminal for Xfce with drop-down support

*mrxvt – rxvt clone with additional features (latest version is 2008-09-10)

*Terminology – enhanced terminal supportive of multimedia and text manipulation for X11 and Linux framebuffer

*Tilda – A drop down terminal

*Yakuake – (Yet Another Kuake), a dropdown terminal for KDEApple macOS[edit]

Terminal emulators used on macOS

*Terminal – default macOS terminal

*iTerm2 – open-source terminal specifically for macOS

*xterm – default terminal when starts

*SyncTERM – includes serial line terminal

*ZTerm – serial line terminalApple Classic Mac OS[edit]Microsoft Windows[edit]

*ConEmu – local terminal window that can host console application developed either for WinAPI (cmd, powershell, far) or Unix PTY (cygwin, msys, wsl bash)

*HyperACCESS (commercial) and HyperTerminal (included free with Windows XP and earlier, but not included with Windows Vista and later)

*mintty – Cygwin terminal

*Windows Console – Windows command line terminalMicrosoft MS-DOS[edit]

*Qmodem and Qmodem ProIBM OS/2[edit]

*ZOC – discontinued support for OS/2Commodore Amiga[edit]Ubuntu Serial TerminalCommodore 64[edit]Block-oriented terminal emulators[edit]

Emulators for block-oriented terminals, primarily IBM 3270, but also IBM 5250 and other non-IBM terminals.Coax/Twinax connected[edit]

These terminal emulators are used to replace terminals attached to a host or terminal controller via a coaxial cable (coax) or twinaxial cabling (twinax). They require that the computer on which they run have a hardware adapter to support such an attachment.

*RUMBA 3270 and 5250tn3270/tn5250[edit]

These terminal emulators connect to a host using the tn3270 or tn5250 protocols, which run over a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection.Minicom

*x3270 – IBM 3270 emulator for X11 and most Unix-like systems[1]

*c3270 – IBM 3270 emulator for running inside a vt100/curses emulator for most Unix-like systems[1]See also[edit]Linux Connect To Serial PortReferences[edit]Linux Serial Terminal Program For LinuxExternal links[edit]Linux Serial Terminal Program Mac

*The Grumpy Editor's guide to terminal emulators, 2004

*Comprehensive Linux Terminal Performance Comparison, 2007Retrieved from ''





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